Imperial dynasty boutique hotel


Room Service

Service Center: 24/7
*Clothes delivery: express laundry - accepted from 8:00~12:00 daily

Ordinary laundry - accepted before 4pm every day, returned before 12pm the next day
*Housekeeping service: 09:00~22:30 daily

free service

Welcome fruit or exquisite snacks on the day of check-in (anniversaries or special holidays)
Free Bol natural water + coffee + tea bags
WIFI + high-speed fiber optic broadband Internet access
Parking service during your stay
Valuables storage service is provided at the counter

conference hall

Professional meetings - planned and arranged according to the needs of guests. Professional facilities such as projection, Internet and audio-visual equipment are fully equipped to build consensus and get twice the result with half the effort. It can be used for conferences, study lectures, etc. It can accommodate about 50 people. Welcome to inquire.

Garden View Restaurant

A dinning center of extensive design with aroma of grind coffee and buffet served. Magazines and papers displayed on shelf and an opening garden view. Enjoy a healthy meal with a relaxing atmosphere at our Garden View Restaurant.

Conference Center

On the Imperial Dynasty 2F, we provide comfort conference center with our special selected coffees. Our center will offer you the perfect space to fulfill your successful meeting.